Friday, December 28, 2012

Confessions of a Working Mom: Mommy Resolutions

Ring in the New Year!  One of my favorite traditions is setting New Year's Resolutions.  Something about a new year, a clean slate...I find it all invigorating.  And I mean well....I really do.  But here's the skinny: I don't keep many of them.

That's all gunna change this year---who's with me?  Mommies out there, listen up: GET REAL.  Let's set some realistic Mommy resolutions we all can feel good about, ok?  Here's my plan and I hope you'll jump on board:

Start with narrowing down 3 areas you would like to improve or achieve.  A few suggestions are:

A Skill
A Trait
A Habit
A Routine
A Hobby
A Trip



Try to stick to 3.  There are worthwhile things in each category that will undoubtedly make your life better.  But if you stick to 3, you won't get overwhelmed.  After you've chosen your 3, narrow it down to a specific, measurable, attainable goal.

Factor in how much time, money and energy you will have available throughout the year to invest in the goal you are considering, and one at a time, determine which is best for you.

Example: I would like to develop a new hobby this year.  Some areas I'm interested in are:

Dance Classes

(There's a great website: to help you find a hobby you might be interested in)

As a working Mom, I have minimal time to invest.  That eliminates Dance Classes; it is unlikely I will be able to schedule one more thing in the evenings at this particular point in my life that would take me away from my young kids.

I don't want the hobby to cost much money, so I probably won't be able to buy a piano, expensive keyboard, or a lot of fancy Archery equipment.  However, I could be thrifty and get second-hand things. 

I want to start right away, and in my local area there are no indoor Archery centers, so as far as a "start right away" resolution, Archery is out.

So I'm down to learning the Piano and Sculpting.  I really want to learn the Piano, but the truth is, it's a lot of work.  And I prefer my hobbies to be somewhat "mindless" and enjoyable...I know this about myself.  So, sculpting it is!

Go through this process carefully with each one.  Once you've identified the goals, set a PLAN.  How will you achieve this?  What are some possible barriers?

Example: I researched sculpting materials, identified a beginners project I could try for little money, and will try it out! I don't want it to interfere with my parenting, so I am going to get some little wooden shapes my kids can paint, put stickers on, color on, etc, while I'm learning to sculpt; we'll all do crafting together.

In the end, New Year's Resolutions should be fun, invigorating and improve your quality of life.  They SHOULD NOT be guilt trips or add-ons to your already overwhelming "to-do" list.  The New Year is a chance to refine and further yourself.

Put a solid plan in place and go for it!  And welcome to a New Year of a New You!

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