Friday, June 29, 2012

30 Second Bean Bags

What CAN'T you do with a bean bag?  A supply of bean bags can keep kids occupied for hours.  Games like trying to toss them in a laundry basket across the room, through hoola hoops, who can throw the bean bag farthest, find the hidden bean get the idea.

Yesterday I needed a bunch of bean 20....for a preschool activity.  I thought I would have time to quick sew some up.  That did not happen.  So as I'm frantically grasping at straws (at about 11 pm the night before I need them mind you)....I came up with this.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you....the 30 Second Bean Bag.

1. Find baby socks your kids can't fit into anymore (you know they're in the bottom of the drawer somewhere)
2. Stuff with beans
3. Tie top with yarn

Done and done!  Remember how we talked about kids not caring how fancy things look?  They don't.  They'll toss these puppies the same as they would a "real bean bag".  

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Bean Bag Chairs
    Wow….That's impressive such a informative article thanks for it..
